Beardconnassaince: Dan & The Deacons [REPORT]

Our trepid reporter (@drzachary) could not attend Dan & The Deacons. However, his lovely field agents, Responsible Krista, Granny Quarters and Jiminy Glick (possibly not their real names) descended upon the concertgoers like a plague of ravenous locusts (the nice kind of locusts that act all flirty and then ask you to preen with your face-mane.)

Beards were photographed, insightful questions were posed and the following data was gathered:

Name: George Balthasar
Favorite Bands: Radiohead, Guys in Jeans with Haircuts, Jim Snood

Name: Brett Sandusky
Favorite Bands: Radiohead, Ponce Piedmont, Retweet

Name: Sparks
Favorite Bands: Radiohead, Less Than Three Dudes, Sportsmanship

Name: Carl Black
Favorite Bands: Radiohead, Auto & The Tunes, Steak

and the winner of Best Beard of the Evening ...

Name: Johnny le Rocque
Favorite Bands: Radiohead