Our Bra Color is HAIR

By now you have likely seen the trend on Facebook today about girls posting colors as their status update... like you, bearded friends, Build-a-Beard also wondered what the hell is going on, and why are colors so hot right now?!

Well, the answer is BRAs, yes, bras... women have been posting the color bra they have on today, cool right? What's cooler is that they are using their Facebook status updates for a cause (Breast Cancer Awareness, duh, save the boobs!), new media FTW!

Noble? Sure. Sexy? YES, perhaps the sexiest thing facebook ever did... though, i think men felt left out (read: "Why are women posting their bra color on Facebook? Men want to know" -- LAsnark.com).

This is precisely why we want to make sure you know... a REAL man's bra color is (not blue) hair... see below, and thank you @hokiebill for alerting us to this. So, ya'll beardos make sure to post the word "HAIR" in your status (and maybe this link too, to explain).

Now go... do it... stop starring!