Pitt Stop To Boredom

Recently, NY Daily News reported that Brad Pitt was growing his kick-ass beard (respect points = +10) out of boredom (respect points lost = - 20).  As most fans of Pitt know, the actor has toyed with several stages of facial hairdom - ranging from a 'stache to goatee to a beaded beard!  The staff at Build-a-Beard respects all these stages, particularly the use of decorations in the beard (we love to award points for creativity), BUT to state that he is growing his beard out of "boredom" is LAME

Growing a beard takes commitment and dedication - it has nothing to do with being bored.  Build-a-Beard's theory -- Brad has no time to keep his unruly beard trimmed with six children running around: Maddox Chivan, Zahara Marley, Pax Thien, Shiloh Nouvel and his new set of twins; the boy Knox Leon and the girl Vivienne Marcheline.  So with six kids between him and Angelina - three being adopted and the other three biologically theirs - does not leave much time to trim, but does allow for boring bullshit answers to the media.