Best of CES 2011

This year I was unable to attend the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, but that didn't prevent me from scouting beards & staches on platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.  Thanks to the watchful eye of Mr. Jon Synder, I stumbled upon the following picture of this magnificent specimen rockin' not only a killer 'stache, but one hell of a kick ass shirt (note the strategic badge placement to show it off), over-sized glasses (I'll refrain from further commenting about that), and clutch water-bottle (an obvious trade show pro).   

Now I can barely make out his name, but believe his tag reads "Ronald Taraze" and thanks to Jon's detective eye (and a few DMs exchanged), believe the company is Lockheed Martin .  

So whoever this mysterious gent is at CES.... if you see "Ronald" walking around as the show comes to an end -- run up & shake this man's hand.  He's BaB's winner for The Best of CES 2011.