It's time to vote for "the best show of growth" as The Detroit Red Wings Foundation, an affiliate of Ilitch Charities, is asking your family, friends and co-workers to support beard growers and donate to their charity that "invests in the future of our community by providing funds and resources to worthy causes that contribute to the growth of the sport of hockey."
The Foundation assists a wide variety of charitable activities and programs throughout Michigan and metro Detroit. The current leader board of beardos is impressive, but $1,533 in total is a bit disconcerting. Dear Michigan readers - you can do better!! Get in your pledges, donate, and help vote for those who deserve to move forward in the "Face Off" so that the best beardo wins the coveted Red Wings Featured Beard Grower.
Finally, The Detroit Red Wings Foundation is just one of many charities that is participating in the overall Beard-A-Thon (thanks to our reader Rute Rodrigues for the tip) that is currently happening. If you have a favorite NHL team (Ahem - Philadelphia Flyers), think about growing it out while the rest of us opens our hearts & wallets to some great causes. In total, over $200,000 has been raised nationally.
GO BEARDS!(Photo: Josh Gassert of Pennsylvania)