1 Man, 1 Year, 100 Dates (and a beard)

Are you a girl who lives in the tri state area? Do you lay awake thinking "damn, I wish there were more nice guys out there"? Do you constantly wonder why more guys don't start websites? Do you have the urge to touch and caress... beards? Well, thanks to a tip from one of the thousands of scouts we deployed around the world when we launched B-a-B, we found Evan.

Evan, after spending years as a serial monogamist, found himself with a broken heart and a hairy chin... so, he decided to start One Hundred Dates (on Vimeo), a social experiment and personal quest. Inspired by Gaby Dunn’s incredible 100 Interviews, he created a list of 100 dates that he will go on. In one year. About 2 dates a week (oh, to have his problems). So, if you want to watch him "stumble and fall on the way to manhood" tune in to http://www.onehundreddates.com/.

And all you beard and scruff loving ladies, check out more about Evan below, and help a beardo out. Take one for the team, or two... or 50.