Cody Ross

Exclusive: Jayson Werth's Beard

We've interviewed a lot of awesome beardos & stache enthusiasts, but getting the opportunity to speak with Jayson Werth's beard is by far the biggest thrill.  OK, perhaps Scott's interview tops it, but we were very excited to get this beard to respond to our emails for a Q&A.

It's been interviewed by The Philadelphia Inquirer to The Los Angeles Timesbut now that The Phillies' season has tragically ended, the beard had time to speak with us.  So it let us know why Philadelphia rules, how being the "best beard in baseball" is exhausting, and why Phillies fans have exceptional taste.
BaB: How long has Jayson been growing you for?
Off and on since last winter.  He usually grows me in the offseason and then the razors come out in February, but this year I got to stick around.

From one beard to another, what do you have to say to Brian Wilson's beard?
I don't comment on fake beards.  However, I will say that Cody Ross' beard is a travesty.

Do the ladies love you?
Of course!  Well, maybe about 95% of them fell in love.  I think I grew on a lot of people (no pun intended).

How have you impacted the city of Philadelphia?
Hopefully I left a good mark on the city, especially if this is the end of our time here.  We had our ups and downs, but the love for the beard never seemed to wane.

Do you find the city receptive to beardos?
Very much so.  From Eric Bruntlett to many of the Flyers playoff beards, the city of Philadelphia has been graced with some of the greatest beards in sports over the last couple of years.  The fans definitely know a good beard when they see one.

Who do you think will win the World Series?  Do you even care?
At this point, I'm indifferent because we should still be playing.  On paper, the Rangers should win this, but who knows with this pesky Giants team. Throughout their run, they've found a way to keep getting big hits.

What's your best tip for growing a beard?
Be patient and just let it grow.  And no matter what people may say, there's absolutely no good reason to ever use "Just For Men."

Are you surprised by your # of Twitter followers?
Absolutely.  I never anticipated so many people to actually want to follow what I have to say.  I think what may have surprised me even more is the amount of fans from other teams following, which is pretty cool.

What's up next for you?
It's all up in the air right now, so I'm going to enjoy the offseason.  Being the best beard in baseball is pretty exhausting.

Anything else we should know?
Never put metal in the microwave.