Dan Patterson

SXSWi Round-Up: Tech Beardos & Stache Supporters

South By Southwest Interactive was a whirlwind of beards, staches, supporters & haters.  All said, the trip in itself was a huge success - not only to discover facial hair techies -  but to meet some of the most genuine and intelligent gents who like to split (and grow) hairs.  

A few highlights below with the "best beard/stache" announcement happening this Monday.  Stay tuned! 

Tom Merritt & Dan Patterson kicked off the SXSWi interview series in Austin - and did not disappoint.  

(Photo by: Marcus Nelson)

Our interview with Trammell gave insight into the bearded tech cultures of Digg & Twitter.  Trammell recently cut 50% of his beard off, which is ashame as we hope he continues to "let go" & finally put a 'stache on the Fail Whale. 

Danny Kastner, CEO of Social Edition, not only rocked some scruff at The Bing party, but also taught the bar what the word 'beard' means on Urban Dictionary

Local Texan who goes by 'Black Scorpion' who is "a human oddity known for his bizarre & surreal stage performances."  If you look closely, you'll see that he is not born with "normal" hands, but rather "magical claws." Regardless, he was super cool, super friendly, and sported a puppet beardo.  WIN. 

Jon Snyder, Associated Photo Editor at Wired.com ended SXSWi by apologizing for his beard -- "sorry my beards not so long! I had to shave for The Academy Awards."  We'll allow that excuse for now, as long as Jon keeps growing it out.  We've been friendly with this rad San Franciscan for a while on the Twittersphere and he recently helped us scout our past CES 2011 winner.   

Bradford Barker, social media channel manager @Bing. We had the privilege of sitting down with Brad shortly after he rocked the SXSW Bing + Cheezburger Party to discuss the individuality of the beardo. He noted that MSFT has been very supportive of the beard (which makes sense given his Seattle location) - and actually helps him be more recognizable at work.   

The delightful Ewan Spence proudly stroking his goatee and pondering what Arianna Huffington would look like with a beard.  You can read all about this crazy Scotsman

Drew Wehrle from Leo Burnett was rocking one bad-ass stache at the Zynga party. 

Kyp Malone, lead guitarist for TV on the Radio, doesn't count in our "best beard" series for SXSWi, but since he did perform at the Zynga party, he's definite worth highlighting.  Prob one of the most bad ass beards in Austin.  



Tom Merritt & Dan Patterson - Tech Community Beardos

Yesterday, BaB had the honor to sit down with Tom Merritt, host of Tech News Today and the infamous Dan Patterson, leading expert on media, technology, mustaches (and zombies) of ABC News Radio to discuss SXSWi, beards, mustaches, and being American.  Thanks to sluggish Internets in the hotel (and let's not even start on the Austin Convention Center), our videos are slowly being uploaded. 

The Mustache of Freedom - explained!

Crowdsourcing beards & contracts for it:

More videos & SXSWi action to come!  


Dan Patterson's Beard Reports

Love. Decksauce. SoDak Biker Beards.  

Dan Patterson of ABC News (not to be confused with the British television producer and writer, responsible for the production of both the British and American incarnations of the improvisation show Whose Line Is It Anyway?) sat down with the staff of Build-A-Beard and granted us full access to his sometimes-beard-sometimes-mustacheDan's facial hair provided the following answers to our 3-day, brutal interrogation (Note: Waterboarding was not used, but we did threaten his unruly beard with this). 

1. When did you 1st appear on Dan's face?

Well, one would presume that like most men, my first appearance occurred in Dan's early adolescence.  This is a fair assumption, and is indeed correct.  However, there is an ongoing debate on Twitter (#dansawesomebeard) within the collector community about the actual first appearance.  You see, in an alternate-reality crossover with Dan's ChestHair Comics (issues 11 - 13) Dan's Beard was actually bonded with Dan's Sideburns at an early age.  So, to answer your question, my first appearance is ambiguous and still being determined.

2. What is your favorite style?

That's a really good question... I'm a big fan of punk.  The Ramones, Buzzcocks, and Dead Kennedy's were a huge influence.  However I have always admired the Coltrane/Miles 'Blue' style and as I age I mellow and appreciate the more complicated musicianship of jazz.  If you're referring to favorite Beard Style, my favorite is Awesome.  The Awesome style is canonical and classic.

3. Did Dan ever cut you? 

Yes, many times.  But really, I don't take it personally. Sometimes he cuts me in awesome ways, like the Mustache of Freedom (see below or here)!  Also, I'm a tenacious bastard and always reemerge within a matter of days.  And let's be realistic: Love is a wonderful thing.  We're bonded for life.  But sometimes you just need time apart.  It's nothing personal.  I use my 'away' time to read the newspaper, drink coffee, and slow down a bit.  I recently got a Kindle and have been totally digging reading about current beard trends.  You know, everyone likes to chill out sometimes and just because I'm a beard doesn't mean I'm any different.

4. Ever catch colleagues at ABC staring at you?

Everyone stares.  Really.  It's kinda embarrassing.  I mean, can you blame them?  Dan may have a funny looking mug, but I do a great job of hiding it.  And I don't want to brag (humility is a virtue, after all), but I'm a  burley beard of bristly bad-assness!

5. As a new media beard, do you tend to find yourself justifying your existence to old media beards?

Coexistance is necessary.  There's a lot old media beards can learn from new media beards, sure.  But there's a lot that new media beards could learn from more experienced beards.  Myself included!  I mean, I think I'm a facially-located shag carpet of decksauce, but that doesn't mean I can't learn from beards who have been there, done that.  There's a lot of wisdom in the beard world!  And, at the end of the day, we ALL could learn a thing or two from the beards of Sturgis, South Dakota.  I mean, those biker dudes have the most bad ass beard ever.  Word to the wise: don't mess with a SoDak Biker Beard!

I'm really flattered to share my humble beardness and wish your Build-A-Beard site and charities you support all the best!

Check out Dan's awesome facial hair creativity throughout the years:   

Mustache of Freedom!
B-A-B comment: This picture does not get any better!  FTW on multiple levels!

Mustache of Creepy!
B-A-B comment: Some on our staff would totally do you (50/50 shot here since we only have 2 on staff).  

Mustache of Freedom (Reads Warren Ellis)!
B-A-B comment: Respect points for teaching beards to read.

Beard of Awesome!
B-A-B comment: Did Dan's beard Photoshop itself into this picture?  

Beard of Awesome (On The Convention Floor)!
B-A-B comment: What a lucky beardo!