Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil Shaves... B-a-B Unfazed (but disgusted)

I guess we're 'sorry' to bring you such news this late... but it's because we're not going to pretend we watch the show...Yes, it's true. "Dr. Phil" McGraw... the twang-y, knee-slapping therapist... has parted ways with his stache of nearly 40 years. What's worse is the reason (O Magazine's 10th Anniversary Celebration Episode) and at whose hands... Oprah's.

Stache-acide (as well as Beardicide) are crimes punishable by banishment from our extended communities... but then again, we are more than 10 days late on these 'news,' clearly signaling that we've banished Dr. Phil from our psyche's long ago, so added punishment may be moot.

Besides, look at him now... kind of pathetic... not the therapist I'd like to treat me or my family... with or sans stache that is.

Either way, as you all know, you can slap a stache on a pig but it's still a pig.