John McCrea

Cake's "Compassion" for Mustached Men

Cake's bearded frontman John McCrea was recently quoted in an interview stating, "I think people are dealing with mustache issues in our culture. A lot of people grew up with men around them who had mustaches, and I think it's a therapeutic thing for us to talk about it."  Of course he is referring to his band's sixth studio album - 'Showroom of Compassion' - which features the song 'Mustache Man (Wasted).'

In regards to the lyrics, McCrea noted "the song is therapeutic having grown up in California in the '70s and '80s."  He continued, "You rarely see a waxed mustache anymore, but I have a few traumatic memories from childhood, like of dudes who used wax to make the ends of their mustaches into a sharp object."  

The album is getting decent reviews with The New York Daily News proclaiming "the band's sound and words still have bite - and an audience."

Despite the song and bearded commitment of McCrea, Cake is a few 10-15 years behind on the facial hair front.  John recently noted, "We thought about having a mustache contest, and we still might do that. We might have a 'Best Mustache in the World' contest."  

Maybe it's best to stick with music.  We've been there, done that... & done that.