Mark McGwire

Mark McGwire's Curse of the Red Goat

The time has come... the baggage has become far to heavy to carry... the rumors have been swirling for far too long... *deep breath* Yes, Mark McGwire did steroids; and no, we are not shocked... but, you may be curious to know that we've loved his red goat since that magic summer in 1998... yes, while "go beard, or go home!" is our rally call, we do enjoy other facial fuzz as well and goatees are no exception... phew, what a weight off our chest!

We are inclusive as you can be, hair is hair and we demand respect and fight for the right of every space on the chin area (or lack thereof) to be filled with fuzz, and see no reason to judge or play favorites (note: we didn't call our blog build-a-goat or build-a-stache for a reason though). And even in Mark's case, the man (while disgraced) does not make the goatee/stache/beard... it is the other way around... now if only Mark's goatee had a better reputation than him, perhaps he'd have more to boast about than being the top story on Build-a-Beard... besides, mark's not our favorite baseball player... this guy is. #toughlove

Net net, don't blame the facial fuzz for the shortcoming of a man (this phrase will not work for women, sorry ladies...)