A New Year's Resolution Success Story

As some of you may recall, earlier in the holiday season Build-A-Beard staff stumbled upon an NYU student with an awesome beard (named Sven or something) and a tale of cursing off the razors since January 1 2009 as a new year's resolution. Since that chance meeting, and numerous twitter searches later, we are convinced that there are many like minded individuals out there looking for the push to make the one new year's resolution that works... with just a little more resolve than combing your hair, growing a beard is probably one of the easiest ways to accomplish that.

That said, let us tell you a story… as story about a man, in a town, with such resolve and dedication that should serve as a model for all those who want to walk in the shoes of giants, and grow awesome beards in 2010… that man is Matt Hensleem (aka @mhenslee), a rockin' pastor in Little Rock, Arkansas who lists Jesus, his wife as well as his beard alongside each other (love that btw). Matt made a promise to himself at the end of 2008, he vowed no longer shall his face be fuzzless and bald, no more will he deny his chin the right for privacy... he made a covenant with facial fuzz for 2009 and beyond.

We present this photographic study to you with mere hours left in 2009 to showcase what a year can bring... this could be you, in 365 days... Along with Matt, you too can join the 64 million like minded men who honor a timeless tradition of courage and test of not only character, but a test of will against a society who might not fully understand your DIY artistic expression.

Matt, if you turn even one man to the hairy cause we will deem this year a success, but while we have you... would it be too much to ask you for a blessing on the Build-A-Beard house, our friends and family, and the new decade that is upon us?

Either way, may you all have a Happy and a Healthy New Year!!! Tune in, turn on, grow out. 2010 IS the year of the beard.


The New Year Resolution Beard

As we get deeper into the holiday season, we here at Build-a-Beard encourage you to endorse our petition (official petition not included) for support of facial fluff for all mankind (we take the ‘man’ part seriously)… This year, please consider making growing a BEARD your failed New Year Resolution.

Due to this cynicism, we always have to stand up, recognize and support those brethren that are indeed fighting the good fight, sticking to it and following up/following through. So... Hello, unkempt, mega beard that's been around since January 1st, 2009, and the 20 y/o NYU student, with interests in Stockholm, that you are attached to. We salute you!