
Watch out Nike - It's Time To Fear The Beard

Jacob Pullen - Build-A-Beard is watching you...  

Kansas State basketball's winning streak (14-2) can be attributed to the scruff of number '0' - Jacob Pullen. Since the fall, this all-star junior guard has been growing his beard - openly stating he trims it along the way - and it's caught the attention of competitors and fans alike.

In years past, a player's success could have easily been attributed to the footwear (quite impressively, Pullen averages 19.8 points a game to pace the No. 13/12 Wildcats to their highest ranking in more than 30 years), but now is the year of the beard.  And not just any beard - Pullen bravely (and proudly) sports the Abe Lincoln-type facial creativity prompting fans to grow their own.  In fact, most Kansas State fans are now beardos!  

It has also been reported that the facial-hair challenged opt for Abe costume beards to show support during games while hundreds hold signs with beard cut-outs to frame their face.  

In a recent interview, Jacob stated:

"Before games I'll walk out there to shoot around and the first 10 fans in the front row will have the 'Fear the Beard' shirts on — that just relaxes me a lot, allows me to loosen up when I see that kind of fan support."

Rock on, Jacob!  We will be sure to follow you more closely as the season progresses, but we're huge fans of your follicles.