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10Qs with Beard Artist and #proveit Queen, Annie Hunter

Meet Annie Hunter, who’s been a devout fan of B-a-B since nearly our begining, why you ask (why not, damn it!)? Well, in her own words: “I love beards. I love mustaches. I love men. I love men with beards and/or mustaches.” Indeed sums us up pretty well, we are in effect a beard porn hub, full of hairy and facial fuzz filled kings among men (and some women). Cheers!

What caught our eyes was Annie’s amazing art (find all of her drawing, paintings and sketches here: www.octodream.com) which personally reminds me of Ralf Steadman's approach (i.e. caricature of the evils within versus the beauty outside) and her dark perspective, coupled with her devotion to facial hair, has yielded some amazing beard porn in and of itself. Really a huge way to #proveit, over and over again.

You can email Annie Hunter directly to secure any one of her awesome art pieces... think about getting all the Best beards in the world suite, we'd like an early Christmas gift, thanks.

1) First let me tell you how awesome your art is... do you have a philosophy that drives your dare I say dark perspective?
Well I have been watching horror movies and listening to Rock and Roll since I was a baby, which is probably the main reason I love everything horror and dark. I also have a fascination with gross stuff and my all time favorite band is Gwar, so I get a lot of inspiration from them.

2) Who are your major influences? Any from our Top 10 Artists with Beards?
I would probably say my main influences would be Alex Pardee and Salvador Dali, I just recently discovered the art of Killer Napkins (http://www.iamkillernapkins.com/) who is amazing. I do enjoy Van Gogh but Dali has a better mustache.

3) Tell us about your site, it's pretty bitchen... and we love us some Tumblr goodness.
I love Tumblr, and I feel like a website through tumblr is, in a way, better than just a regular website because instead of having to bookmark it on your computer you could just follow me and get instant updates on your tumblr for whenever I add a new piece or update.

4) Do you love beards more or less than Gwar?
HA! This is probably the most difficult question I have been asked time and time again. I honestly feel as though this cannot be answered. The only thing that would be better than Gwar OR beards would be Gwar WITH beards.

5) Speaking of bands, which is your favorite musical beard?
It's a tossup between Dallas Taylor from Maylene and the sons of Disaster and Kyp Malone from TV on the Radio. But I couldn't answer this question without mentioning ZZ Top because obviously no band could beat those beards.

6) Of all the beard art you did, which is your favorite? Does Jack Passion win another contest?
Actually although Jack's beard is mighty mighty, I would say my favorite out of the three would have to be Myk O'Connor's drawing I did, mostly because of the colors.


7) I think it's safe to say you love beards... what's your favorite beard style?
My favorite beard would be a big grizzly beard with a handlebar mustache. The bigger the better.

8) If you had to kiss someone with a goatee, stache, beard, or handle bar mustache - which one would you pick - and why?
Haha well the handlebar mustache is my favorite but I don't really discriminate. As long as the person who is attached to the beard/mustache is to my liking there shan't be a problem.

9) Have you ever dated anyone with a full face of hair? If so, have you ever felt the urge to cut it off while they slept? How about to put some rogaine on it?
I dated my best friend for a few months and he had a magnificent beard. He was one of those lucky ones that looked good with or without a beard but it would have been blasphemous for me to even think about cutting it off. If you have something so beautiful why kill it? And although the rogaine idea seems enticing I like my men all natural.

10) You RSVP'd for the New York City Beard and Moustache Competition... you gonna compete?
Haha, If only I could grow a beard. I can't wait for it though, I've never been to a competition and luckily NY is just around the corner from me so I'll finally be able to go.


Does Your Mustache Bring All The Girls To The Yard?

Build-a-Beard is starting a new weekly column - interviewing gents and ladies about their thoughts on dating a guy (and in rare cases a woman) with some facial fuzz.  First up, Ms. Amy Wright, a NYC resident who lives by the motto "there was really no excuse, except that I felt lucky."  We talked to Amy about her life growing up with a stached father (kick ass proof below), how Johnny Depp is her favorite everything, rules on dating those with facial hair, her luck (if any) with beardos, and how she resists the urge to cut a man's stache 1/2 off for a laugh... 

BaB: How old were you when you 1st realized your dad was rocking that sweet stache?
Amy: When I was born, Dad had the handlebar/beard combo with hair down to his waist, so I guess its fair to say Ive always been aware. I've heard stories that I liked to grab at it as a baby, and I remember as a child my Dad liked to scratch my face and belly with his beard to tease me. I called his beard “Billy Goat Scruff," thinking that I was cleverly citing the fairy tale. 

Did you like it?
I cant say that I liked being scratched by his bristly beard, no, but I did like the attention the hair/facial hair combo seemed to get. Growing up in the south, mustache/beards have been in style since the civil war, but he was obviously a hippie/biker/Willie Nelson type, so he would get some looks. I liked feeling like my Dad was mysterious and cool, and that he scared teachers and boyfriends sometimes. To be honest, he looks better with the face hair than clean shaven.

How do you feel about facial hair now?  What's acceptable to you vs. not?
I generally don’t like it…. It doesn’t feel good against the skin, it chaffs places, and it makes me break out (wow... I just totally made other people's face hair all about ME!). It looks good on some dudes, like it belongs there, but as far as romantic partners go I can't do a full beard/stache because it's weird to make out with someone that feels like you're making out with your Dad.

Also, there's this epidemic of novelty face hair- where people act like they are doing some sort of magic trick if they wax their mustache - that’s a bit annoying. I do think it's cute when guys get lazy and haven’t shaved for a few days - and I have dated a few guys that have the permanent weeks worth of scruff on their face. I guess I take it on a case-by-case basis.
If you HAD to kiss someone with a goatee, stache, beard, or handle bar mustache - which one would you pick - and why? 
Famous dude- Salvador Dali when he was like 25 or so, cause he was cute. I would name a not famous dude, but I might get myself into trouble…

Have you ever dated anyone with a full face of hair?  If so, have you ever felt the urge to cut it off while they slept?  
Yes, I have… a fellow who grew a very thick beard and mustache for a play. I didn’t have the urge to cut it because the discomfort I endured during the production was offset by the promise of a shave after the show closed (and for the record, I think he does look better without it). I do sometimes have the urge to cut a big patch out of those really long, ZZ Top-like beards when I see someone that has one, or one half of someone's mustache just because I think it would be funny. I will admit certain face hair can be a deal breaker for me… I'm sure it doesn’t feel awesome to shave your face, but since I basically shave from the neck down, I don’t feel like its an outlandish request for a fellow to not have a crazy beard that hangs to his belly button.

(Miss Amy Wright)

What's your favorite movie star with facial fuzz?  What star do you think would look better IF they shaved?  
My favorite movie star with facial fuzz is Johnny Depp. He doesnt grow much because he’s part Cherokee, but hes been rocking the bit that he can grow for a few years now. There is nothing that could make Johnny Depp look better, except if he was sleeping next to me... I think that would make him look better, although I'm sure many women would beg to differ. He is pretty much my favorite everything, not just movie star with facial hair. I also like George Michaels Diablo look, and think he looks better with than without.

Anything else you'd like us to know/share..... 
I recently saw a guy that was about 75 years old wearing a t-shirt that said “my mustache brings all the girls to the yard” and nearly fell over laughing. Frank Black has an awesome song about growing a beard called “My Fu Manchu” that you should add to this site, if you haven’t already.

(You got it, Amy)