Ladies, did you know that a man's beard grows the fastest when he anticipates sex? Could this be the reason why so many hipsters in Brooklyn and the LES are sporting (and sprouting) beards lately? The recession economy has forced many laid off workers to sit around and look longingly at their spouses... and what else is there really to do while you wait for your unemployment check to arrive?
The reason for this beard-growing phenomenon is apparently rooted in hormonal activities. Facial hair, a secondary male sexual characteristic, is largely governed by production of male hormones called androgens. Indeed, one of these compounds —testosterone—is known to be released in greater quantities during intercourse. As such, there is also a release of androgens with the anticipation of sex - causing those who sport facial hair to have it grow leading up to the act of copulation. You can read more about interesting man facts here. ** Obviously waited a long time for some action **