el bar bero

BREAKING: Growing a beard is good for you

Beards, now with more science!

credit: DJ NATURE Poster at El Bar Bero
Don't say we didn't tell you so... but we did, and we were right. Beards are good, so good, they fight off cancer... yeah, that's right, fuck you cancer!

  • As per New Now Next a new study from the University of Southern Queensland, published in the Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal, finds that beards block 90 to 95% of UV rays, thus slowing aging process and as an added bonus reduces the risk of skin cancer! Boom.
  • Remember all those jokes about crap stuck in people's beards? We are laughing last... per the study pollen and dust also get stuck one's facial hair, possibly reducing asthmatic issues... Boom, squared.
  • The study also reinforces the point that the longer/thicker the beard, the more moisture it retains while protecting your boyish face and perfect skin from wind. While on the flip side shows that shaving causes ingrown hairs which lead to bacterial infections also known as... acne! Kaboom.

Though the study was conducted on mannequins and not real beardos, we see a lot of validation in what we do, what you all grow and pretty much making sense of everything that is right with the world.

If you want to send us a thank you, you can email us at buildabeard@gmail.com