
Breaking News: El Beardo Shaved?

It has come to my attention that El Beardo has done something crazy.  I don't know how to break it to our loyal readers and supporters, but he shaved.  There, I said it.  Best to rip the band aid off quickly. But that said, to add more salt into our gaping wound, he shaved for a corporate work event.

The horror.

I remember when Alex did something like this two years ago - same corporate event - that resulted in the following look:

But it seems that today, July 7th, 2010, will be a date which will live in infamy as our beloved beard has taken a blade to his face and magically changed into El 'Stache:

Alex will write an update to this post once the corporate event concludes.  In the meantime, please feel free to leave your condolences in the comment section.