When I went to the 3rd Annual Coney Island Beard and Moustache Competition I'm still not sure what i was expecting, but as i noted in my round up and Wrap Up of the event it definitely helped to see some of my friends from The National Beard and Mustache Championships take home the Fez in categories nearest and dearest to our heart (aka NATURAL).
One such awesome person was Myk O'Connor an awesome natural beardo we first met at Magnificent Specimens exhibit by Dave Mead in NYC, and we haven't been able to untangle us from his beard. Myk took home the Natural Beard championship title at Coney Island, and for the 2nd straight year... as such we sat down with this awesome Brooklyn Beardo... whom, truth be told, can give Mark Krayenhoff - The Brooklyn Beard King a run for his money, and title.
Before we dive into the 10Qs, directly below are Myk's invaluable top 3 tips for beardos everywhere... heed his word!
1. Be true to yourself- if it doesn't look good, then don't keep it. If your hair grows patchy, try a different look. Don't let anyone, girlfriends/boyfriends, wives/husbands or job sway what you want to do with your face. It's yours!
2. Take care of it- Make sure you are setting aside time to groom your beard. Wear it proudly. People are already apprehensive about dudes with beards, at least make the first thing they notice look good. Trim those split ends and DON'T LET ANYONE LIGHT A CIGARETTE FOR YOU!
3. Be patient- a great beard takes time. Yeah the first few months suck because its super itchy. Grab a bottle of Jajoba oil and make sure you are getting to the dry skin underneath your beard. Don't give up...even during summer months.
1) How long have you been bearding? Are you competitive by nature or does it increase as your beard grows?
My conscience decision to enter the world of competitive facial hair was in Jan of 2009. I was told about Beard Team USA by a colleague of mine and thought, "hey this is something I could get into." By nature I am pretty competitive. With each competition I have been in I have felt the need to win...there is something special about winning a beard competition. It's not like winning the Super Bowl...more like winning World War 2.
2) What's people's first reaction when they meet or see you? I think mine was, "hey can i take a picture of you"?
I definitely feel all eyes on me when I walk into a bar or the subway. I've been told I can look a little intimidating... but then I smile and all preconceived notions of badass-ness are lost. I get the usual reaction of "Hey ZZ Top!", which I can't fucking stand...because they aren't the only dudes with beards and their music sucks. I've had little Hispanic women bless themselves ad hold their rosary because they think I look like Jesus. First off if Jesus existed, he wasn't a white dude and second of all, my beard is better than his. He didn't have a boar hair brush.
I've had some form of facial hair at all times, but this is the first time I have let it grow fully without trimming. I am working on a little over a year and a half. One thing I have learned is to definitely take care of it, since it's part of your body. Make sure to get enough vitamin E and keep away from open flames.
Shower everyday, rinse out all the pollutants and never brush when wet. I have 2 brushes that I use, one to detangle and the other (boar hair) to shape. I apply JaJoba oil for shine, moisture and the skin underneath....do a once over with both brushes and I am good to go.
The Coney Island Competition is a lot of fun. Drinking and sideshow freaks go hand in hand...but it's even more fun when you throw a Beard and Moustache Competition into the mix. This is the 2nd year I have competed and taken home the coveted Best Beard. It's an honor, because honestly you never know how the competition will go. Ben Davidson had to arm wrestle in order to win....
Moustaches can either make you look really good, or really creepy. I tried a moustache once, it wasn't for me. A lot of people grow one for the "irony"..whatever the fuck that means. Some dudes look bad ass with a moustache, others look goofy. It all depends on your attitude and your personality. If your an asshole, the moustache makes you look like a even bigger asshole.
Local events are always hit or miss with me. Sometimes the judging is a little bizarre. If the audience is the judge then the criteria may be "longest" beard...instead of the "best looking". Size doesn't matter, it's girth...right ladies???
But I also find the local events have a charm about them, where we are all packed into one space, meeting new people and making real connections.
Bend is fucking gorgeous. I love Oregon period. Honestly I am not really cut out for big city life. I wanna live in the outskirts of a small town surrounded by mountains or the ocean. Bend also has a shit load of breweries...and I love beer. Who knows...maybe one day.
The World Competition of 2009 was my first introduction to facial hair competitions. I didn't know what the fuck was going on...except that I was having the time of my life. After meeting those dudes for a week, we all made lasting relationships.
Now competing against Jack...we haven't had that opportunity yet. But I've told him many times that I have the ability to take him down. I know a lot of dudes want to, but I have the stamina and my beard grows really fast.
Myk, Burke and Jack at National's9) What'd you think of Dave Mead's exhibit and launch party? I believe that is where we first met... and what was the deal with your 'brother'?
Ha! Honestly, I was drunk before we even arrived. I was doing interviews with a documentary crew ad they followed me around all day and I just kept drinking...by the time we arrived I was all emotional because I saw all my friends pictures hanging up all over Chelsea Market and was just in awe. The pictures tell one side of the story...but no one will ever know all the great times we've all had together.
My "brother" Kris Payne is truly my brother in a lot of ways. When I met Jack and Burke in Alaska they told me I reminded them of him and that we would get along well. During our parade in downtown Anchorage this dude comes up behind me and says..."You must be Myk."...and I said "You must be Kris." and right then we became long lost brothers. From loving BBQ, beer, hardcore and shit talking, we get along like no other.
My beard craves the beards of lesser men, both alive and dead. It's like highlander...damn that sounds familiar...I hope Jack didn't already say something like that....fuck it, my beard will rip the pouch off a kangaroo if given the chance...that's better.
Annie is so talented and I am very honored to have her immortalize me in that manner.
If you come out to a local beard event, get ready to party. I am putting together the NY Beard and Moustache Competition in the next few months to benefit The Feal Good Foundation....details to come soon!
Don't vote for a president until they have a beard.