Hairy Comment on a Beardy Subject

We dont often (actually never) re-purpose comments made on our posts by our bearded brethren... but god damn, when impeccable hairy passion shines through our pages... we must and always will call you out for such amazing displays of hirsute protection. 

Anyway, enter Stephen Arthur Alexander Jr proud member of: The Gem City Gentlemen of the Gilded Beard... and with his antipogonophobic rant, he's proved it pretty hardcore. You sir, wear your passion like people should wear a beard... proudly. Kudos... also, nice burns bro, real nice.

  "I must say this is a travesty, to not have a Bearded or Mustached president since 1913!! I won't stand for it, we need to raise up as one Bearded nation and take back the oval office and change these discriminatory rules and regulations that do not allow the Bearded to work certain jobs. We are people to gosh darn it!! We need to work and we want to be able to express ourselves while doing it, because after all isn't that what is nation was build on, freedom? God bless all of you Bearded men out there that are still trying to fight for your right to grow that Beard long and proud. Keep up the fight and who knows, maybe one day we will have a Bearded or Mustached President once more and all of the Beard hate will wither and die away and we can stand up and say: I have a Beard and I am proud to have it!" -- Stephen Arthur Alexander Jr


Hear hear Stephen, hear hear...