BREAKING NEWS: JP Out of Retirement?

Jack Passion entering a beard contest?! No... way...

Well, yes way. You heard it here first (3rd actually, counting Jack's and our earlier Facebook status updates)... all you competitive beardo enthusiasts, you may as well pack your bags now... to go to SAN FRANCISCO of course!

WHEN: TONIGHT (6/27), at 6-10PM PST ($5 at the door)

WHERE: Edinburgh Castle (950 GEARY ST., SAN FRANCISCO, 415.885.4074)

WHAT: "Art in Your Face": A Bay Area Beard and Mustache Benefit (aka Jack Passion's return to competitive bearding... for now)

WHY: Beards and Charity (to benefit Smile Train, a group that helps kids with cleft palates)... and to see Jack wipe the floor (and the competition) with his killer beard.

More info on this awesome event, the beardos behind it, and this important charity, check out this interview with event organizer Brian McGregor by SF Bay Guardian recently.

It may not be the National Championships... nor the World stage... but wherever Jack goes... the beards follow. As such, B-a-B will stay with the story, and keep you updated about the winner... though, I am wondering, maybe I can snag the B-a-B private plane to make it in time to report live... maybe, just maybe...