America, Your Beard Is Here!

This is amazing, so amazing in fact we are a bit speechless... so we wont go into describing the below video...

John... Thank you  for your heartfelt plea and offer of inspiration for all those that are beardless, smiles for all of us that are... and entertainment for everyone. (and for Beard Team USA for finding you)

Everyone should send in their votes, and you know... We'd like to keep you out of the Freestyle category (for clear reasons)... but fate is fate, so if you meet El Beardo at the squared ring bearded circle at Bend... we'll rumble together.

However, we vote for Natural Beard category for your beard... El Beardo would've loved to enter that category, alas, the mass is just not there for us... but not for you, John. Godspeed!

The way to vote:

Tweet with #AmericasBeard tag

DM John at @AmericasBeard

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