Justin Bieber: Grow it out, grow it proud!

Oh. My. God... not only am I disgusted at the sheer thought of writing up a post on this mop top character, teen 'singer' and prepubescent 'dancer' Justin Bieber, but perhaps even more so about his apparent decision to take Estrogen to stunt the growth of his facial hair...

Justin, if that is your real name... you need to realize that side effects of men, let alone boys, taking Estrogen are perhaps even greater than the social reverberations of your decision to shun facial hair's inaugural appearance on your chin.

That said, B-a-B did some research for the pros and cons of taking Estrogen for the male species... just as an FYI and warning to all those that may be motivated to follow in your tiny hairless footsteps.

As you may know, if you were a normal 15 y/o who took Bio in school... Estrogen is a hormone produced in the female and male bodies, it is mainly responsible for the growth of female sexual characteristics. Men, however, also produce estrogen, levels of which often increase with age.


Bloating -- Increased estrogen levels cause the body to retain water, which leads to bloating and the swelling of legs and ankles. *How will you dance?!

Sex Drive -- Increased estrogen levels in men can decrease sex drive. The excess estrogen levels lowers sperm count and testosterone levels. *How will you... um, never mind. Well maybe you really shouldn't reproduce...

Breasts -- Men who take estrogen can suffer soreness in their breasts. Swollen breasts and tenderness of the breast can also occur. *Fact: If a boy gets breasts he'll become a hermit... think of the fans.

Cancer -- Increased estrogen levels in men can lead to cancer. Prostate cancer has been linked to high estrogen levels in men. *This is self explanatory...


Fractures -- Estrogen helps the body increase calcium absorbed in the body. Low estrogen levels in males can lead to greater risk of fractures, especially hip fractures. *You can just drink milk. Get a milk stache contract and get paid, what's the issue?!

To help sway you in the right (read: sane) direction our good friends at withabeard.com have helped us visualize how great a beard would look on your chin. Take a look and make the right (again, sane) decision... note: sure we could've made a compilation of the alternative look -- saggy boobs, limp dick, and bloated ankles -- but that would be in poor taste... GROW IT OUT, GROW IT PROUD!

  • Estrogen helps the body increase calcium absorbed in the body. Low estrogen levels in males can lead to greater risk of fractures, especially hip fractures.