Fear and Loathing in Lancaster

The Second Annual Beard Team USA National Beard and Moustache Championships is kicking off it's multiple days of activity today, with the final (and main) event being held on October 8, 2011 at the Clipper Magazine Stadium, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania... home of the fighting Amish (no, not really, it's actually Lancaster Barnstormers).

There are a few things different this year than the inaugural contest last year in Bend Oregon... Yes, Jack Passion is still MCing, it is still a total of $5000 ($1000 per category) in cash to be awarded to the winners and yes there will be beards and staches and goatees and fake beards (on friday)... but two glaring differences are of note: The competition will take place in five (not 4) categories, he newbie being the full beard groomed category, in addition to the moustache, partial beard, full beard natural, and freestyle. 

And perhaps most importantly... Build-a-Beard will (begrudgingly) bow out of competition, and even attendance, this year... Sad, shocking, yes we know... but we have holy reasons for doing so, trust us.

That said, we will be there in spirit, and in body... not our body but another beardo, John Benedict (aka America's Beard) filling in as the first ever freelance beard scout and B-a-B blogger. John will not only be one with the bearded Amish, he will compete, he will drink, he will report back and he will be awesome... his beard and his energy will not disappoint (no pressure, John).