Don't Blame The Beard (or Marker)
Holy god... some people dont learn, we're sick of this. Help us find this beard perversionist and bring them to justice.
Modesto (c'mon Cali, when we asked you to up your game we didn't mean this) police are searching for a woman who robbed a gas station dressed as a man, complete with a fake beard she had drawn on her face... WITH A MARKER.
G'damn, these criminals are not just giving beards a black eye every time they pull this desguise bull crap, but they dont even go to our good friends at I Made You a Beard. Sick sad world... I guess if you want to read all about it, you can do so here:
Woman Draws Beard On Her Face, Robs Gas Station
Viral Beard (SXSWi homage) -- #mugshotmonday
Good morning, and yes it's another Monday... so it's time for another mug shot.
In honor of Riss' trials and tribulations down south at SXSWi, wanted to make this a special #mugshotmonday... as such, this is perhaps the most famous beardo of the TSG family (at least in our circles).
No, he's not a coke sniffing out of control Hollywood celeb, he's not a topless blond with a sly look on her face, he's not even on facebook (try MySpace on for size), but he is a viral beard through and through... one that who's SEO has increased exponentially each year. If you've ever searched for beards on the interwebs of the cyberspaces, you've likely stumbled on this beardo.
If you haven't yet, dear B-a-B community, please meet Salvatore Dichiera (aka Sal Punk). A 28-year-old Pennsylvania native whose graced the TSG pages more than a few times (what's a little disorderly intoxication, misdemeanor, etc. among friends) nearly all of them in his trademark half-bearded state.
A beard so viral, it must be contagious. And while incomplete, we here at B-a-B see Sal's beard to be half full and not half empty... So we don't blame it, and never will.
Circa October 2009
Well, we're known for persistence here at B-a-B, so... we tracked down Sal, sorta, and here he is... in all his half beardy goodness, straight from the mean streets of MySpace (for real)... Sal, if you're reading this, we'd love to get in touch. Punk on, and hopefully, you'll grow it out and grow it proud on the other half of your face soon too.
Modern Times?
Case of the Monday's -- #mugshotmonday
Happy weekday everyone! Yeah, no... We're not that excited about it either. In fact, it sucks to see Monday each and every week, the damn day should be outlawed... Then again, if it wasn't for this one weekday that starts with M, what else would we tag along the #mugshotmonday series to?!
That being said, you know who's probably having a worse Monday than you, enjoys long walks on the beach and teary eyed photos, likes orange jumpsuits more than uncle "Jailbird" Joey Baines, and clearly has a more sick ass beard than yours? THIS guy!
P.S. Remember to not blame the beard, and have a wonderfully hairy week.
Speak No Evil -- #mugshotmonday
In our second edition of #mugshotmonday we decided to showcase a slightly older gentleman than our inagural tennis ball man... I bet you he evoked the 5th throughout his trial, hell he may not even be able to take an oath to testify. This mighty beard is too thick to drink a brew through, let alone speak out of...
Remember to dont blame the beard as you stare in the empty eyes of the gent below... what's he looking at over there anyway? With a beard like that we'd be looking down at it at all times, would probably go cross eyed.
Don't Blame the Beard -- #mugshotmonday
Today marks the start of a weekly feature that encompasses both recognition and public service components of our blog... it will help, while undoubtedly hurting a bit, our overarching philosophy of raising the profile of beards.
As many of you know, the good people at have for years disseminated some great visuals that remind us of the hillarity of crime, criminals and the legal system at large through proliferating the art of the mugshot. However pure the intentions of TSG, the ratio of beardless to the hairy within their mugshot walls is feeding the beast of pogonophobia among the many beardless, about the few rotten apples in our hairy barrel. Surely the good people at TSG didn't (and couldn't) anticipate the backlash and prejudice that such practice would yield to the facial hair community...
So, today B-a-B steps in to help level off the skewed ratio, and shed light on the two constants of the bearded shots in this series... their beards are pretty damn sick and they are innocent until proven guilty... so remember, however guilty, however horrible the crime, regardless of the bleak and empty stares... DON'T BLAME THE BEARD!
Welcome to #mugshotmonday everyone, we give you... the orange tennis ball beard: