Arron Strout

Quick'n'Dirty - A Movember To Remember

Build-a-Beard spotted on the Twitterverse that social media & tech guru Aaron Strout , host of ZDNet's Quick'n'Dirty podcast, was participating in Movember.  What is Movember?  Come on now... it's been the buzz since 2004 (started in '99) and even supported by our favorite Rocky & Balls, but for those who have been living under a beard, it's the month formerly known as November - dedicated to growing a mustache for 30 days while raising funds and awareness for prostate cancer.

How big is it?  Well, in 2009, global participation of Movember (Mo Bros and Mo Sistas participated) climbed to 255,755 - with over 1 million donors raising $42 million dollars for Movember’s global beneficiary partners!  

Aaron has rocked a soul patch for well over 10 years - a public demonstration to his "commitment to staying youthful."  Learn more about this Mr. Movember participant below & let's help inspire him to go handlebar or go home!

BaB: How did you hear about Movember?  
My friend, Todd Defren (principal at SHIFT) roped me in 2 years ago.

What inspired you to participate?
It's a great cause and I felt like it was a way for me to use my social megaphone to give back to the community.

Do you think you'll rock the 'stache after or be inspired to keep growing?
Last year, I couldn't wait to shave come 11/30. This year, I am considering keeping my mo for at least a week or two after.... I might even try and go handlebar.

Have you always had facial hair in partic the soul patch?  
I've had facial hair (soul patch OR goatee on & off for a good part of the last 10 years). Not anticipating changing that any time soon. ;)

What does the patch mean to you?
I work in a space where many folks are younger than me. I also live in Austin, TX -- a city that has a very hip vibe. My soul patch is one way to show that "I get it" and can visibly demonstrate my commitment to staying youthful.

Do you feel Quick'nDirty would have even more listeners if they knew you were planning to grow it out? 
You know, that's a good question. I may think about making that announcement on today's show.

How does your wife/family feel about this dedication to the 'stache during November?  
She loves what Movember stands for and fully supports me...but as far as the 'stache is concerned, she (and my kids) are all more than ready to see me shave it off come December.

Are you doing a Team Mo or individual?  Planning to be in the platinum club?
I am running Austin's entry for the digital challenge. We're facing off against 20+ cities from across North America.

Anything we missed/care to share?
Hopefully this year will be a stepping stone for Movember to make it an internationally recognized organization that's doing great things to create awareness around men's health issues.