
Our Brotherhood is On Our Face

Can't we all just get along? Apparently not... But hey, getting beards, mustaches, and awareness of pogonophobia on the front page of the Wall Street Journal? Not a bad deal for the facial hair community, net net. Needless to say, one should never let a good crisis go to waste.

PROOF of #provingit

Anyway... Cattiness aside (cats have whiskers too, get it?) we do (and forever will) believe in the brotherhood of the facial hair community. We stand by the attempts, the commitments, the righteous and the hysterical... you can choose not to partake, you can choose to grow it out and grow it proud, you can even choose to shave *shudder*... just remember that we are one, what we do is good, we do more together, always. 

Our brotherhood, is on our face.

A Hacker Moustache

Moustache month has nearly concluded. Over the past 28 days, we've been inspired to see so many Mo Bros rocking 'staches and even this woman (who suffers from hirsutism) sporting one for the awesome cause of men's cancer research.

Not surprisingly, SoundCloud - the world's leading social sound platform that rocks on an average work day - has absolutely grown it for Movember. Check out the amazing pics below of my colleagues who are raising funds:

From top down: Alexis, Tomás, Marco, Ed, Ele, Corey, Deepak, Jami

Mustache Shoes by Bstreetshoes

What's better than a new pair of 2" black heels? -- Mustache shoes of course!  I found Bstreetshoes on Etsy while I was hunting for Movember items and immediately ordered a pair of his gorgeous, customizable, hand painted, shoes.  He has 100's of beautiful art shoe options and I am sure the creatives could pitch him other great ideas, but for now, I am walking around The Mission sporting these instant classics.  

Also worth noting, these shoes are TOMS -- so every pair purchased = new pair of shoes to a child in need.

Jealous?  I would be too if they weren't already on my feet. 

Stand By Movember

Well, Movember is over... and it's antics like these in office buildings and cubuicles all over the world that we will miss... while these aren't the most hairy of upper lips, this example made us smile.

Remember kiddies, Build-a-Beard, is a place where every month is Movember and every day is Bearduary.

End of Movember - Gala Partés

This year, I decided to cover Movember's Gala Partés in San Francisco. The evening consisted of mo bros and mo sistas dressed up in their best Movember costume, showcasing their immaculate grooming and competing for a number of category titles including:

Best Mo in Character
Miss Movember
Man of Movember 2011.

In addition,
 San Francisco's own Moustache Harbor played the entire night showing off both their commitment to growing and musical talents.'s $10K Movember Goal

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  Not because of the upcoming holiday season, but because Movember is right around the corner. (Remember our interview last year?) To kick-off the season of raising awareness and funds for men's health issues, specifically cancer, has set a goal of $10K.

According to their blog post, "Last year 24 Trulia employees participated in the event and raised $2,486.34, but this year we’re aiming a lot higher and have a goal to raise $10,000 for the cause."  And that's where you, dear reader, come in - you can join's team! Check out the team captain.

Since its humble beginnings in Melbourne Australia, Movember has grown to become a truly global movement raising over $7.5 million US in 2010 alone.

Start growing, supporting, donating and joining Movember efforts!

(Logo credit:

Trammell: Beards, Twitter, & Trending Topics

"I think both Digg & Twitter are very welcoming of facial hair. That is, unless,
you stroke it longingly in meetings while staring at executives or colleagues."

We were all set on a preview story hitting just before South By Southwest Interactive - one that would showcase the potential strength of the tech beardos & mustache growers we were flying down to interview for the coveted "best beard or 'stache" of the event (side: if you're attending SXSWi, come find me if you have what it takes to compete). That is until Trammell sent us a DM confirming that he would gladly partake in an interview after he had a drink

As such, we scratched our original post to take a moment to learn more about the magnificently bearded & bespectacled specimen known as Mark Trammell. After all, what better way to kick-off a tech facial hair series than to interview the beard who has worked at PayPal, Digg, Twitter and a brief stint as a Navy journalist (not joking). The bar has been set, gentlemen.  

(Photo credit: Dan Busta)

BaB: When did you start growing your beard?
Trammell: 1998 - Shortly after my tenure with the United States Navy. I shaved it off in 2008 for Movember and immediately began to grow it back.  Recently though, I cut about 50% of it off so my Twitter picture reflects the most up-to-date version (see above).

BaB: Being a committed beardo, how was it when you grew a mustache for the cause of Movember?
If it was measured in tweets - "#creepy" - would have been trending. 

BaB: Wouldn't the Fail Whale be less threatening with a mustache?  Maybe a handlebar...?
Well, there are a lot less fail whales these days; however, there might have been a point where the whale needed a disguise - a mustache would have been considered.   

Bab: What's the design philosophy behind the beard?
It's about letting go.  Most people decide after a life changing (mostly negative) event to grow a beard.  Yet, those same people decide to shave it soon after.  I say - let it go.  Allow the beard time to fill out, find the potential in the hairs, and then shape it accordingly to your style.  

BaB: Would your beard provide an adequate nest for birds to Twitter in? 
This reminds me of The Family Guy episode where Peter grew a beard for a family of birds.  I wouldn't kick the birds out. I'd always be welcoming.  

BaB: Does your dating life suffer because of the beard?
There is no data to support the contrary, but no [it suffers for other reasons], but not because of the beard. 

(Photo credit: sgoralnick)

BaB: Favorite bearded band or musician based solely on their facial hair?
1. Megafaun 
2. Scott Hutchison of Frightened Rabbit
3. Wayne Coyne of Flaming Lips
(*Listed in no particular order)

Also, Brian Wilson has a beard of awesomeness and I approve of the dye job. The dye adds to the intimidating factor and awesomeness.  If he didn't have that beard, there would be so much awesomeness coming from him, it would be distrating to batters. 

BaB: What's it like for you to not be sporting a beard?
I'm a hermit without it.

BaB: What's the best thing about having a beard?  
For starters, I don't have to shave.  Mostly though, I don't consider the alternative.  I wouldn't leave my house without pants on, so I wouldn't leave without my beard.

BaB: Have you ever met Zach Galifianakis?
No, but a bunch of middle aged, Soprano-looking gentlemen at a club in Vegas were once fully convinced that I was Zach.

BaB: Were you wearing a satchel?
I was wearing a messenger bag. 

BaB: Twitter has helped our blog uncover so many amazing stories & a lot of new relationships have sprung from us using your platform, such as our blog's friendship with Scott Hutchison.
Small world.  For "Tonight's Beard," I am San Diego's 'The Trammell'  


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It Takes A 'Stache To Raise The Cash

We've been reporting on Movember over the past few months, but we're happy to announce that yesterday the charity closed out its 2010 fundraising efforts - bringing in a staggering $63 million dollars worldwide to help build both awareness and monetary support in fighting prostate cancer. 

According to The Los Angeles Times: The preliminary numbers are in (there are still some matching funds that need to be counted, a Movember representative tells us), and the 64,438-strong American contingent of the global effort (up from 28,206 last year) raised $6,941,189 -- more than double last year's fundraising of $3.2 million and far beyond the organization's hoped-for $5 million.  National bragging rights go to our Northern neighbors -- Canadians raised more than $20.5 million this Movember, just a whisker ahead of Australia (where the charity began in 2003) at $20.3 million.  Worldwide, approximately 455,000 participants raised close to $63 million this year, compared to the 255,000 who raised $42 million in 2009.

It might be the year of the beard, but it was definitely the month of the mustache.  


Today Is 'Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache' Day

That's right, readers! Today is "Have Sex With A Guy With A Mustache" Day.  And although I am not reporting live from the bedroom (sadly my man only has scruffy sexiness not a full blown 'stache) I fully support any efforts to raise awareness for solid charity organizations. Over the years Asylum and numerous other media organizations and popular Websites - from reporters to editors to interns - have taken the Movember challenge (aka: growing a mustache for the month of November to raise awareness and funds for cancers that affect men).

During this time, women have encouraged (or endured) their partners growing 'staches for this awesome cause, but are often left feeling unsatisfied. Since the majority of women can't grow facial hair, and faking one only brings us mild amusement (wait, we're talking about mustaches here... focus).... Asylum, in cooperation with the American Mustache Institute, decided to declare Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache Day on November 18th for women all across the world to actively participate in Movember efforts. 

So go grab onto a handlebar! Still in shock? Confused? Too prude to comprehend?  Too distracted speed dialing your mustache friends to meet up later? 

Emily McCombs



Mustaches vs. Cancer Benefit In NYC

Most readers are familiar with Movember this month, but there is a special two month mustache-a-thon known as Mustaches vs. Cancer where all money raised will go directly to the pediatric department at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.  Since 2008, just two short years, the hairy faces of Mustaches vs. Cancer have raised over $75,000 to directly benefit pediatric cancer care and research.

If you don't feel like growing a 'stache for this awesome cause, at least have a laugh browsing them, and find it in your heart to give a little.  We were sold in supporting this organization once we read their "About" section, which states: "The idea behind Mustaches vs. Cancer is to have an event in which many people can participate with a minimal amount of commitment (a mustache in no way hinders your daily life, it can only enhance it)."

The free event is happening TONIGHT, Wednesday, 11/17 at 7:00 p.m./'stache pageant begins at 8:15 at Johnny Utah's and will feature mustache themed drinks, bull riding, and a live band.  


Scott Hutchison Builds A Beard

Last night at Terminal 5 in New York City (the worst venue to trek to on a weekend), Frightened Rabbit took the stage and rocked out.  But the real thrill happened hours earlier on the tour bus...  Scott Hutchison graciously offered to meet, sketched us our very own "Tonight's Beard" (real fans will understand), and how he's going to keeping growing his 'stache dread-lock style (i.e. twisting it yourself and not using wax) when it gets to the appropriate length.

We also hit upon: How Ben Bridwell of Band of Horses should do a Q&A with us, the odor of the tour bus, Movember, and how San Francisco's "Fear the Beard" is wrong.  To quote Scott: "They shouldn't be fearing the beard - they should be building it."  

Operation Best Night Ever was a success.  (Oh and Scott, as fate would have it - we ended up running into the fan who got #TonightsBeard and snapped his photo).   

Quick'n'Dirty - A Movember To Remember

Build-a-Beard spotted on the Twitterverse that social media & tech guru Aaron Strout , host of ZDNet's Quick'n'Dirty podcast, was participating in Movember.  What is Movember?  Come on now... it's been the buzz since 2004 (started in '99) and even supported by our favorite Rocky & Balls, but for those who have been living under a beard, it's the month formerly known as November - dedicated to growing a mustache for 30 days while raising funds and awareness for prostate cancer.

How big is it?  Well, in 2009, global participation of Movember (Mo Bros and Mo Sistas participated) climbed to 255,755 - with over 1 million donors raising $42 million dollars for Movember’s global beneficiary partners!  

Aaron has rocked a soul patch for well over 10 years - a public demonstration to his "commitment to staying youthful."  Learn more about this Mr. Movember participant below & let's help inspire him to go handlebar or go home!

BaB: How did you hear about Movember?  
My friend, Todd Defren (principal at SHIFT) roped me in 2 years ago.

What inspired you to participate?
It's a great cause and I felt like it was a way for me to use my social megaphone to give back to the community.

Do you think you'll rock the 'stache after or be inspired to keep growing?
Last year, I couldn't wait to shave come 11/30. This year, I am considering keeping my mo for at least a week or two after.... I might even try and go handlebar.

Have you always had facial hair in partic the soul patch?  
I've had facial hair (soul patch OR goatee on & off for a good part of the last 10 years). Not anticipating changing that any time soon. ;)

What does the patch mean to you?
I work in a space where many folks are younger than me. I also live in Austin, TX -- a city that has a very hip vibe. My soul patch is one way to show that "I get it" and can visibly demonstrate my commitment to staying youthful.

Do you feel Quick'nDirty would have even more listeners if they knew you were planning to grow it out? 
You know, that's a good question. I may think about making that announcement on today's show.

How does your wife/family feel about this dedication to the 'stache during November?  
She loves what Movember stands for and fully supports me...but as far as the 'stache is concerned, she (and my kids) are all more than ready to see me shave it off come December.

Are you doing a Team Mo or individual?  Planning to be in the platinum club?
I am running Austin's entry for the digital challenge. We're facing off against 20+ cities from across North America.

Anything we missed/care to share?
Hopefully this year will be a stepping stone for Movember to make it an internationally recognized organization that's doing great things to create awareness around men's health issues.