
Today Is 'Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache' Day

That's right, readers! Today is "Have Sex With A Guy With A Mustache" Day.  And although I am not reporting live from the bedroom (sadly my man only has scruffy sexiness not a full blown 'stache) I fully support any efforts to raise awareness for solid charity organizations. Over the years Asylum and numerous other media organizations and popular Websites - from reporters to editors to interns - have taken the Movember challenge (aka: growing a mustache for the month of November to raise awareness and funds for cancers that affect men).

During this time, women have encouraged (or endured) their partners growing 'staches for this awesome cause, but are often left feeling unsatisfied. Since the majority of women can't grow facial hair, and faking one only brings us mild amusement (wait, we're talking about mustaches here... focus).... Asylum, in cooperation with the American Mustache Institute, decided to declare Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache Day on November 18th for women all across the world to actively participate in Movember efforts. 

So go grab onto a handlebar! Still in shock? Confused? Too prude to comprehend?  Too distracted speed dialing your mustache friends to meet up later? 

Emily McCombs