Martin Fletcher

Sunday Morning Cartoons

We like traditions at B-a-B, and good thing there is a TON of great animation out there, so we're able to continue last week's trend... besides, don't say you don't like nor appreciate it. Beards, presented in cartoon form and on a day off; three of the best things in the world combined into one hairy, weekly post. Sit back, bask in the fact that it's just Sunday morning, grab some coffee and enjoy! 

The first is a cute (and informative) teaser of toxicjOEcartoons 's The Adventure Beardcomb! Says it should've been available this past summer and yet we can't find a trace of it... sad, and we do feel teased.

We particularly like the second video (via fayheady), not just because of its lovely elevator type, uber peppy chorale music in the background, but mainly because of the beard that fights back against those that wish it to be shaved... right on hairy brother; needy significant others take notice. 

The last one found us by way of, Beardo creator himself, Martin Fletcher and it's on the longer side (over 20 mins) because it's a full episode of Dexter's Lab, titled A Beard To Be Feared. Brilliant indeed, thanks for passing it along. 

Well that'd be all folks, hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday and what remains of the much needed recovery from the weekend's escapades. Chin up y'all!


One Hero To Rule Them All...

I can't speak on behalf all of B-A-B community (or staff), but I've personally never been much of a comic book or super hero kind of beardo. However, I did always try to understand those around me that were/are completely obsessed with the trade, because real people are more fascinating.

That said, in comes Martin Fletcher (a fan on Facebook) and blows that whole perspective out of the water. B-a-B community, please meet Beardo, the bearded super hero (followed by several shots of the creator himself, with a fine style and chin mane of his own). Mr. Fletcher (can we call you Mr.?) what you did here is good, nay, great. Let this be a call to action for you to develop this character, and we'll post your strip on B-a-B... our door is always open for such talent and facial fuzz goodness. Think about it, and say yes.

Now, I will reiterate, i am by no means an expert, and yet Mr. Fletcher's initiative induced an interest within me to answer the burning question which superheroes have beards or other facial hair... I am not going to attempt to claim that i fully answered this question (you can see much more involved folks discussing it here, and here), but below are my top 3... I encourage a civil discussion.


Tony Stark / Iron Man

Thunder Strike