
Best of SXSWi 2011

After numerous debates, sweat, and toil, BaB has come to the decision that The Best Beard Award for 2011's SXSWi goes to The Beard of Trammell.  Its length, vigorous health, color, sturdy build, overall magnificence, and background working at PayPal, Digg, and Twitter -- made the beard the obvious champion.

Congrats Trammell.  

(Photo by: Marcus Nelson)

Trammell: Beards, Twitter, & Trending Topics

"I think both Digg & Twitter are very welcoming of facial hair. That is, unless,
you stroke it longingly in meetings while staring at executives or colleagues."

We were all set on a preview story hitting just before South By Southwest Interactive - one that would showcase the potential strength of the tech beardos & mustache growers we were flying down to interview for the coveted "best beard or 'stache" of the event (side: if you're attending SXSWi, come find me if you have what it takes to compete). That is until Trammell sent us a DM confirming that he would gladly partake in an interview after he had a drink

As such, we scratched our original post to take a moment to learn more about the magnificently bearded & bespectacled specimen known as Mark Trammell. After all, what better way to kick-off a tech facial hair series than to interview the beard who has worked at PayPal, Digg, Twitter and a brief stint as a Navy journalist (not joking). The bar has been set, gentlemen.  

(Photo credit: Dan Busta)

BaB: When did you start growing your beard?
Trammell: 1998 - Shortly after my tenure with the United States Navy. I shaved it off in 2008 for Movember and immediately began to grow it back.  Recently though, I cut about 50% of it off so my Twitter picture reflects the most up-to-date version (see above).

BaB: Being a committed beardo, how was it when you grew a mustache for the cause of Movember?
If it was measured in tweets - "#creepy" - would have been trending. 

BaB: Wouldn't the Fail Whale be less threatening with a mustache?  Maybe a handlebar...?
Well, there are a lot less fail whales these days; however, there might have been a point where the whale needed a disguise - a mustache would have been considered.   

Bab: What's the design philosophy behind the beard?
It's about letting go.  Most people decide after a life changing (mostly negative) event to grow a beard.  Yet, those same people decide to shave it soon after.  I say - let it go.  Allow the beard time to fill out, find the potential in the hairs, and then shape it accordingly to your style.  

BaB: Would your beard provide an adequate nest for birds to Twitter in? 
This reminds me of The Family Guy episode where Peter grew a beard for a family of birds.  I wouldn't kick the birds out. I'd always be welcoming.  

BaB: Does your dating life suffer because of the beard?
There is no data to support the contrary, but no [it suffers for other reasons], but not because of the beard. 

(Photo credit: sgoralnick)

BaB: Favorite bearded band or musician based solely on their facial hair?
1. Megafaun 
2. Scott Hutchison of Frightened Rabbit
3. Wayne Coyne of Flaming Lips
(*Listed in no particular order)

Also, Brian Wilson has a beard of awesomeness and I approve of the dye job. The dye adds to the intimidating factor and awesomeness.  If he didn't have that beard, there would be so much awesomeness coming from him, it would be distrating to batters. 

BaB: What's it like for you to not be sporting a beard?
I'm a hermit without it.

BaB: What's the best thing about having a beard?  
For starters, I don't have to shave.  Mostly though, I don't consider the alternative.  I wouldn't leave my house without pants on, so I wouldn't leave without my beard.

BaB: Have you ever met Zach Galifianakis?
No, but a bunch of middle aged, Soprano-looking gentlemen at a club in Vegas were once fully convinced that I was Zach.

BaB: Were you wearing a satchel?
I was wearing a messenger bag. 

BaB: Twitter has helped our blog uncover so many amazing stories & a lot of new relationships have sprung from us using your platform, such as our blog's friendship with Scott Hutchison.
Small world.  For "Tonight's Beard," I am San Diego's 'The Trammell'  


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