give back

If You Wish Upon a Beard...

If you know anything about us here at B-a-B is that we love to give back... like a good beard or mustache giving back is a feel good and frankly easy action that we should all do/grow whenever possible, especially since it means so much to others.

Facial hair growth and charity go together like beer and beards, like staches and wax, like chops and aviators, or like goatees and crumbs.

That said, we got approached on Facebook to support a campaign that's looking to raise money for Make A Wish Foundation, which is our favorite wish making organization, via a 3 month competition to grow facial hair!

Not innovative, but still something to commend and indeed support. So if you beardos and stache-mates have a few dollars to spare, think about giving it to any one of these three gents participating in the 2011 Commonwealth Beard Competition to make a wish happen for someone needy of that out there.

- Dan Haas

- Jason Febo

- Justin Unton