If the rumors are true...

And Facebook murmurs seldom aren't... Then the Beard Team USA 2011 National Championships will be held in Lancaster, PA! The inaugural National Beard and Mustache Championships held in Bend OR last year was an insanely hairy affair, and frankly... not sure if it can be topped. That said, IF the situation was such that it could be topped, it would only be if it was held in the depths of Amish country, Lancaster County... some may even call it, an Amish Paradise.

According to sources including, but not limited to, Wikipedia (clearly we only rely on the most respectable of sources for our info...) Lancaster County is known as the Garden Spot of America or Pennsylvania Dutch Country, and is a popular tourist destination, due mostly to its many plain sect residents, known as the Amish. Lancaster, PA, first known as Hickory Town when it was settled in 1709 and is now known as the Red Rose City. Lancaster was the largest inland town in America from the 1760s through the early 1800s. It was our nation's capital for just one day on September 27, 1777. The reason for this is because our government had to flee Philadelphia because of the British troops. They stopped in Lancaster on their way to York, PA. Lancaster also served as the capital of Pennsylvania from 1799-1812.


Now about them bearded brethren from the Dutch lands... Why do Amish men have beards, but not mustaches? (answer from Amish FAQ site, seriously)

There are quite a few scriptures that mention beards in the Bible. An example would be Psalm 133:1,2. An Amishman does not shave his beard after he becomes married. A long beard is the mark of an adult Amishman. Mustaches, on the other hand, have a long history of being associated with the military, and therefore are forbidden among the Amish people.


There... Consider yourself informed. Given the driving distance from Brooklyn... we are nearly certain to attend (and perhaps even resurrect the corporate beard entry), if all the above remains factual and the rumors fortify into truth, of course.