Golden Globes

Beard Behind Game of Thrones

"Like a graybeard king, George R.R. Martin sat near the center of the ballroom at the 69th Annual Golden Globes and watched the royal court of Hollywood pass by his table Sunday night and, yes, in a room packed with lithe starlets and square-jawed leading men it was easy to pick out the only plump fantasy novelist in the room." - Los Angeles Times

Does it come as any surprise that Game of Thrones mastermind (his bestselling series of fantasy novels 'A Song of Ice and Fire' was adapted by HBO for their dramatic series) rocks a beard?  We could say the creativity flows from his fingertips, but it's the beard hair.  

Check out his incredible Website if you're in need of further proof on how awesome this guy is -

(Photo credit: Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)

Globes of Hair

"Be afraid..." - Ricky Gervais

Two years ago, we were enthralled with John Hamm's beardiness, the beardos turn out, and the ratio of beaded winners... Last year though, we were disappointed with the show, the hairless turn out, the winners, the show, the people, the show...

What can we expect this year? Well... whatever happens, happens... at least, the very least, the beard attached to Ricky Gervais will be back. And we are not afraid, neither is Lenny Bruce.

Golden Beardos of the Failed Globes

Credit Reuters

Yeah, we're dissapointed too... and not necessarily just with the fact that Ricky Gervais disappeared halfway through the terribly edited, seated (no elbow room even for Bruce Willis?!?), bleeped, and most importantly bearded awards show... either way, conspiracy theories aside, compared to last year, this was a much hairless of a gathering, with the hottest accesory item seemingly being the baby bump and not some facial fuzz, sadly.

Even though the Globes again were hosted by the slightly more bearded (than last year) creator of the Office series, and an all around funny godless chap, Mr. Gervais... even though the beardos that did grace the red carpet and stage were nearly all corporate beardos (like myself), it does not deter the annual thought that the drab event proves again and again why awards shows are unnecessary and irrelevant (The Social Network sweeps, really? Jump the shark much?)... that said, here are our top 5 beardos at the Globes. Unlike Hollywood, we can keep a tradition going for more than a year.

#5) Scott Caan -- Like the show he was nominated for (TV series 'Hawaii Five-O'), this look's been done, and it's missing a lot...

Credit Reuters

#4) Brad Pitt/Johnny Depp -- Brad trimmed his goatee, but at least he didn't shave it... besides, great arm candy will make everything look better. Johnny is perpetually goateed, and well, he deserves to be on every list, always.

             Credit Reuters                                                Credit Reuters

#3) Ricky Gervais -- I liked his mean-ness, people need to grow a pair (especially in Cali), besides... he bested his last year scruff with a full on corporate beard. Kudos.

Credit Reuters

#2) Jake Gyllenhaal -- Is he Spiderman or Brokeback Mountain? Ah who cares, this beard is full and well groomed. B-a-B Approved!

Credit Reuters

#1) Christian Bale -- Clearly THE best effort (at least that was photographed heavily) last night... If half the audience was even 50% this bearded we would not be complaining, Christian... you fucking rock, thank you for supporting and sporting the beard.

Credit ReutersAs if there is any doubt WHY he's the only one on our list that actually collected a Golden Globe... Hollywood take note, and stop disappointing us! Take another bow Mr. Bale... you're our Beardo of the Month!

Credit Reuters

Top 5 Beards at the Golden Globes

Before we jump into our round up, we'd like to point out one thing... there were undoubtedly more beards on a red carpet since the heyday of Hollywood or at least since last year's Beard and Mustache Championships... to us last night's awards event serves as just another example of the "Year of the Beard," we hate to tell i told you so... but we did, you know it.

The credit goes to Pop Candy and USA Today for making the first round up (their top 10 can be found here), for tackling this important ranking and helping us with the perspective on last night's facial fuzziness -- which Whitney Matheson called "last night's must-have accessory" -- and also to for last year's round up (which can be found here).

Now that the accreditation formalities are out of the way, below are the winners and our top 5 (with a tie for 5th)... enjoy, and know that we know beards, so why argue...?

  1. William Hurt -- Best All Around
  2. Jon Hamm -- Best New Beard
  3. George Clooney -- Best Salt & Pepper
  4. Vincent Kartheiser -- Best Two-Tone
  5. Jeff Bridges/Robert Downey Jr -- Best Goatee(s)

1. This magnificent facial mane was surely used as a distraction from crap on his shoulder... success!

2. If you will it, they will come with an awesome beard... YES!

3. It's George... with a beard... what's not to love... it's GEORGE!

4. Well, whatever this is, we think we like it... probably have to, Mad Men and all...

T5. We just love both of you dudes... and unlike beards, goatees rule only as much as those they are attached to.

Finally, a reason to watch the Golden Globes!

Jon Hamm has grown a beard!

All bearded Mad Men fans rejoice, finally the star of a show where they seem to only allow one beard per season (hippie friend of Don's brunette lover in season one and Paul Kinsey starting in season two on), discounting the Bertram Cooper Van Dyck of course... Maybe Don Draper will follow Kinsey's lead on the show... that would be awesome.

That being said, The Huffington Post is stirring the pot by posting the photo below, in lieu of Paul's forthcoming Golden Globes appearance on Sunday (where he is nominated), accompanied by a "love it or leave it" poll.. we of course voted to love it. You should go help out, last we checked the sentiment was negative (27.09% love it vs. 48.88%, with 24.02% hoping he will shave by Sunday)... beardos unite!

Personally I don't think I've ever watched the Golden Globes (I do tend to exaggerate though), but now I think I'll have to... Will he? Won't he? We are on the edge of our seat... you?