
Way to prove it IFC; Whisker Wars are coming!!!

We've been muzzled for far too long... we've bit our lip and chewed the stache hair long enough... we've tiptoed around this... we've yearned for it and willed it on... so today, we say enough!

Competitive Bearding will be coming to the Boob Tube!!!

“Whisker Wars” A non-fiction series set in the world of competitive facial hair growing which profiles a group of men from the National Beard and Mustache Championship in Bend, Oregon to the World Competition in Norway. Produced by Original Productions, a FremantleMedia Company; executive produced by Thom Beers and Philip D. Segal, co-executive produced by  Jeff Conroy. -- Read more

Do we know more? Why yes, we do? Have we been prepping you without your knowledge? Why yes, subliminal bearding has been going on (see our Q&As with: Jack Passion, Myk O'Connor, The Judges of BeardStacheNats, and (Magnificent SpeciMAN) Dave Mead, in addition to overall coverage of The Winners of The National Beard and Mustache Championships)... it was hard to hold tight and wait for a green light, but it's here, and it's shining bright!

Stay tuned for more and more and set your DVRs, TiVo's or VCRs and we'll keep you posted, whether subliminally or directly... but know this, TV will never be the same. SUPPORT THE BEARDS!

Hairy Comment on a Beardy Subject

We dont often (actually never) re-purpose comments made on our posts by our bearded brethren... but god damn, when impeccable hairy passion shines through our pages... we must and always will call you out for such amazing displays of hirsute protection. 

Anyway, enter Stephen Arthur Alexander Jr proud member of: The Gem City Gentlemen of the Gilded Beard... and with his antipogonophobic rant, he's proved it pretty hardcore. You sir, wear your passion like people should wear a beard... proudly. Kudos... also, nice burns bro, real nice.

  "I must say this is a travesty, to not have a Bearded or Mustached president since 1913!! I won't stand for it, we need to raise up as one Bearded nation and take back the oval office and change these discriminatory rules and regulations that do not allow the Bearded to work certain jobs. We are people to gosh darn it!! We need to work and we want to be able to express ourselves while doing it, because after all isn't that what is nation was build on, freedom? God bless all of you Bearded men out there that are still trying to fight for your right to grow that Beard long and proud. Keep up the fight and who knows, maybe one day we will have a Bearded or Mustached President once more and all of the Beard hate will wither and die away and we can stand up and say: I have a Beard and I am proud to have it!" -- Stephen Arthur Alexander Jr


Hear hear Stephen, hear hear...


Happy election day everybody!

This is going to be short and sweet... today is a day that should be noted and celebrated across the country... not becasue of any 'revolutions' that people seem to be planning, nor because of any parties with tea and crumpets that you're planning to attend... but because today we get the right to exercise our freedoms, just like you do with your facial hair, make your voice heard with a vote today.

You wont regret it... at least not right away... so go ahead, let your vote feel the cool breeze run through it, comb it and condition it, trim it and pamper it... and then, unlike your facial hair, cast it and #proveit in the most democratic way possible.

P.S. From what we can tell, there is only one candidate with a sick ass beard... and that's Jimmy McMillan, the candidate on the Rent Is Too Damn High ticket for Governor of NY. he's also the only candidate to take his political message and turn it into an album (see: 'The Rent Is Too Damn High,' the Album)

10Qs with Beard Artist and #proveit Queen, Annie Hunter

Meet Annie Hunter, who’s been a devout fan of B-a-B since nearly our begining, why you ask (why not, damn it!)? Well, in her own words: “I love beards. I love mustaches. I love men. I love men with beards and/or mustaches.” Indeed sums us up pretty well, we are in effect a beard porn hub, full of hairy and facial fuzz filled kings among men (and some women). Cheers!

What caught our eyes was Annie’s amazing art (find all of her drawing, paintings and sketches here: www.octodream.com) which personally reminds me of Ralf Steadman's approach (i.e. caricature of the evils within versus the beauty outside) and her dark perspective, coupled with her devotion to facial hair, has yielded some amazing beard porn in and of itself. Really a huge way to #proveit, over and over again.

You can email Annie Hunter directly to secure any one of her awesome art pieces... think about getting all the Best beards in the world suite, we'd like an early Christmas gift, thanks.

1) First let me tell you how awesome your art is... do you have a philosophy that drives your dare I say dark perspective?
Well I have been watching horror movies and listening to Rock and Roll since I was a baby, which is probably the main reason I love everything horror and dark. I also have a fascination with gross stuff and my all time favorite band is Gwar, so I get a lot of inspiration from them.

2) Who are your major influences? Any from our Top 10 Artists with Beards?
I would probably say my main influences would be Alex Pardee and Salvador Dali, I just recently discovered the art of Killer Napkins (http://www.iamkillernapkins.com/) who is amazing. I do enjoy Van Gogh but Dali has a better mustache.

3) Tell us about your site, it's pretty bitchen... and we love us some Tumblr goodness.
I love Tumblr, and I feel like a website through tumblr is, in a way, better than just a regular website because instead of having to bookmark it on your computer you could just follow me and get instant updates on your tumblr for whenever I add a new piece or update.

4) Do you love beards more or less than Gwar?
HA! This is probably the most difficult question I have been asked time and time again. I honestly feel as though this cannot be answered. The only thing that would be better than Gwar OR beards would be Gwar WITH beards.

5) Speaking of bands, which is your favorite musical beard?
It's a tossup between Dallas Taylor from Maylene and the sons of Disaster and Kyp Malone from TV on the Radio. But I couldn't answer this question without mentioning ZZ Top because obviously no band could beat those beards.

6) Of all the beard art you did, which is your favorite? Does Jack Passion win another contest?
Actually although Jack's beard is mighty mighty, I would say my favorite out of the three would have to be Myk O'Connor's drawing I did, mostly because of the colors.


7) I think it's safe to say you love beards... what's your favorite beard style?
My favorite beard would be a big grizzly beard with a handlebar mustache. The bigger the better.

8) If you had to kiss someone with a goatee, stache, beard, or handle bar mustache - which one would you pick - and why?
Haha well the handlebar mustache is my favorite but I don't really discriminate. As long as the person who is attached to the beard/mustache is to my liking there shan't be a problem.

9) Have you ever dated anyone with a full face of hair? If so, have you ever felt the urge to cut it off while they slept? How about to put some rogaine on it?
I dated my best friend for a few months and he had a magnificent beard. He was one of those lucky ones that looked good with or without a beard but it would have been blasphemous for me to even think about cutting it off. If you have something so beautiful why kill it? And although the rogaine idea seems enticing I like my men all natural.

10) You RSVP'd for the New York City Beard and Moustache Competition... you gonna compete?
Haha, If only I could grow a beard. I can't wait for it though, I've never been to a competition and luckily NY is just around the corner from me so I'll finally be able to go.


Brady's Mop Top vs. Moss' Facial Fuz

Figured the B-a-B community MUST have a chance to opine for this monumental tussle of the follicles.

As you may know, right before Randy Moss was traded back to the Vikings from his Superbowl compadres of the Patriots... he got into a spat with Mr. Tom "Bieber" Brady, over of all things... Hair. Brady told Randy his beard looks stupid (!) so Moss called Tom a girl... very mature.

As a New England fan I can't very well outright damn Brady for his mop top, but i can clearly take the beard's side because long hair and facial hair are not congruent enough for me to stick with my starting, star, quarterback... 

Regardless of my personal allegiance, please do go to our friends at Yahoo! Sports to #proveit by supporting the beard... at time of filing this story our bearded friends have been toppling the Bieber fans with 12,434 votes counted (and a pretty hilarious batch of comments, over 4,600).

Which is worse? We know the answer...

The Beard Song (ode to a beard) LIVE

Last night was amazing. Very cool culmination of the Sophie Madeleine bearded goodness... and just like I like it too: tender, soft, humorous, lengthy... like a good beard.

By all means you should get Sophie's record so that to bask in her musical hairiness, however watching her play live (and dedicate the last song to B-a-B) is a whole 'nother lovely experience.

The love the Sophie so kindly showed B-a-B reverberated throughout the evening; which included an EP release party for Pearl and the Beard and was also amazing in and of itself (more news on that at a later time).

We are humbled and appreciative of the transatlantic proveit from a dispatch of Rocky and Balls themselves... So, without further ado, Build-a-Beard is proud to present LIVE from NYC, The Beard Song (Ode To A Beard). Enjoy!

The Balls Perspective: Keep it hairy

Back in March, when I wrote the Q&A with Rocky and Balls, I didn't actually meet up with Sophie Madeleine and Hannah Rockcliffe to do the interview... B-a-B staffers don't get an expense account (yet) to fly transatlantic... I did the interview not in person but via the Internets. There, I said it... So, when finally having an opportunity to meet half of the duo on my own turf, aka Brooklyn, I jumped at it.

Still groggy from a crazy night in Coney Island, I stumbled to breakfast with the full intention of impressing our fair neighbor to the east, as well as her local beardo by wearing my newly acquired Rocky and Balls T-Shirt (number 2 of 50, #justsaying). Yes, I was THAT guy, but so be it, it was the right occasion... besides, my wife told me I looked very cute 'in that little T-shirt,' so there.

What followed was a great lunch with even greater people. Sophie, Sonya, Tim and I talked beards, scruff, music, Brooklyn, Lady Gaga (yes, really), relationships, England and US geography, and much much more. Distilled below are some key findings.

  • To my surprise, the UK and Brooklyn facial hair scenes are very similar. Sophie wasn't going to indulge me with "Brooklyn is SO CLEARLY so much better"...
  • Like me, Sophie does not listen to the radio and preferrs the countryside to the metropolis. However, very much unlike me, she does not drink coffee.
  • Understandably, both Rocky's and Balls' boyfriends are beardos. More over, Sophie's beard is also her guitarist.
  • On September 24th Sophie has her 2nd NYC gig. 7pm at The Living Room (154 Ludlow St.)
    • Also playing that night, at 9pm, are Pearl and the Beard who aparently have fake beards for sale at the show.
  • Honorable mention: Sophie and Sonya played footsies while Tim and I blabbed on about music and media.

Prove It Coco, #PROVEIT!

So... Did you happen to catch the brand new TBS promo that aired last night for Conan O'Brien?! If not you can find it below.

Pretty neat, nifty, even cute... but also mysterious. We are starting a #conansbeardwatch at once, because we really dislike ambiguity, especially when it comes for facial hair. Now is the time to prove it Conan, and prove it you must... do it for Brookline High School, do it for me... nay, us!

So, will he? Won't he? Shouldn't he?! Well, he better! And we'll be watching... unless... they did this just to boost ratings... no way would a media personality and company ever do this to its fans, right?!

Beard... A Mission From God

Via the Associated Press:

An American construction worker detained in Pakistan while on a solo mission to kill Osama bin Laden claimed on Wednesday that he was obeying an order from God to avenge the Sept 11, 2001, attacks, said Pakistani security officials.

Gary Brooks Faulkner said God revealed the order in one of his dreams, prompting him to travel to Pakistan in search of al-Qaida's leader... read more...

This is not the first time we've heard of the blending of God and Beards... it is now a full blown trend... so, way to really really go out of your way to #proveit Gary...

Not only are you from all the way in California, but you come to our attention via Pakistan... and while we're not very heavy into politics here at B-a-B, we want to take a stand and say we support you, your beard, your beliefs, and the fact that you are perhaps the first ninja with a beard.

For all that (and much more) we salute you... you are our inaugural Beardo of The Month... when (and if) you get out of jail, give us a call or shoot us a note, we would LOVE to interview you.

"No Bitch Ever Wore a Beard" -- Jack Passion

Well, if I may say so myself... this interview is Jack at his absolute finest. Vintage Passion. And it's exactly why he is who he is; an inspiration to us all, bearded or not.

I want each and every one of you to heed his words and advice day in day out... Not because he's the beardliest man in the world, not just because he's a published author of the bible of facial hair, and not because he was the MC at the first ever National Beard and Moustache Championships... but rather because he's 100% right, 1000% just, and 5000% inspiring.

Jack has undoubtedly transcended his prize-winning beard... which is no small feat, since it keeps growing and growing. As such Jack keeps proving it and proving it... and that's why we here at Build-a-Beard.com love him so. I miss you already Jack, this weekend came and went too soon, too fast. Until next time my bearded friend... and it better be under a year.

Jack in his element (pic by Michael Buchino)

Grooming 101, via Toot Joslin

So, I’m here and my envy is at about a 12 on a scale of 1-10... sure i've seen some massive beards and beardos in my tenure at B-a-B but the effect of seeing them in person delivers a knockout punch to my already fragile psyche.

That being said, everyone has been the nicest people ever, and welcoming at that. The town is great, the people are better, the beards are longer, and the mustaches are curlier.

To kick off the June 5th festivities, I joined a bunch of hairy folks for a much needed Beard styling seminar by the one and only partial beard champ himself, Toot Joslin at the Bond Street Barber Shop in downtown Bend.

Below are three videos that resulted from this enlightening session (apologies that it's indeed HD quality, so it'll take a while to load...). The first is a brief look at Toot, his personal and facial hair history… plus some focus on the products he uses. That is followed by a full styling video and finally a brief Q&A.

I gotta tell you all… one of the most valuable lessons I’ve ever observed… now to just grow out my burns to match Toot’s awesomeness.

Bend Bound (Ch. 1)


So, the day I depart for National Beard and Moustache Championships is coming near (as in tomorrow)... and frankly the emotions are running wild in the offices of B-a-B. I've been bouncing off the walls pulling on my chin frantically, while Riss was away on her top secret beard scouting mission to Ireland.

Then arrived the "Competitor Badge" (it's a badge right? where's the plastic sleeve? i'm gonna laminate it...) and i immediately felt at ease. Besides, whom am I if not the #proveit king?!

Facing my fate in the face, I've been honing my furry skills and aiming for the stars since Magnificent Specimens when I realized I absolutely must come to Bend, Oregon. This corporate beardo is ready to accept the challenge, take a weekend multi-stop air travel and turn it into gold via one nugget of awesomeness... Saturday, June 5th.

On Saturday June 5th I will join quite possibly a Guinness World Record number of beardos, at the Les Schwab Amphitheater in what is shaping up to be one of the most exciting days of my life... my expectations are realistic and thus low. But with my support crowd behind me (I'm bringing a few of my own, to tip the scales) I'm sure to come away with more than just another day's worth of beard growth.

Before heading out wanted to give a quick shout out to Jon Rice, The South Florida Man with high hopes and mad exhale moves; From Beard to There own Brian Quein; and Mr. America's Beard himself, John Benedict... get in touch I wanna talk beards and stuff, mostly talk beards though.

And speaking of talking beards, I look forward to reconnecting and swilling some beer with our good friend Michael Buchino of BeardRevue. A great man to know and grow chin manes with... And a fine example of a good thickness corporate beard, if I may say so myself.

So, as you can see the plan's pretty set and mimics any other corporate business east coast/west coast/east coast in 48 hours trek... only quite a bit hairier... Mine is a Corporate Beard, I'm competing in the freestyle category... what are you going as? Are you going? Wana meet up? Send us emails, ping us @buildabeard, message us on B-a-B... or stalk away, it's a small town anyway... I'm staying at the Phoenix Inn along with Mr. Jack Passion and many many many other great beardos...

(I'll try to make all of this)

10 a.m. Beard styling seminar by Toot Joslin. Bond Street Barber Shop, 841 NW Bond St., Bend.
12 noon Press conference at the Oxford Hotel, 10 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend. Everyone welcome.
1 p.m. – Doors open at Les Schwab Amphitheater. Contestants should meet at the Oxford Hotel for procession to the Les Schwab Amphitheater.
1:50 p.m. – All contestants assemble at the back of the amphitheater for grand entrance.

2 p.m. – Round 1: Welcome and Elimination
Grand entrance of the competitors, welcoming remarks, introduction of the judges, and first round of judging. Les Schwab Amphitheater.

– Moustache judging
– Partial beard judging
– Full beard judging
– Freestyle judging
– Bearded family portrait
– Entertainment by El Loco

7 pm – Round 2: Finals
Final judging and presentation of awards.

8:30 pm – Live music with El Loco. Night glow balloon launch.

America, Your Beard Is Here!

This is amazing, so amazing in fact we are a bit speechless... so we wont go into describing the below video...

John... Thank you  for your heartfelt plea and offer of inspiration for all those that are beardless, smiles for all of us that are... and entertainment for everyone. (and for Beard Team USA for finding you)

Everyone should send in their votes, and you know... We'd like to keep you out of the Freestyle category (for clear reasons)... but fate is fate, so if you meet El Beardo at the squared ring bearded circle at Bend... we'll rumble together.

However, we vote for Natural Beard category for your beard... El Beardo would've loved to enter that category, alas, the mass is just not there for us... but not for you, John. Godspeed!

The way to vote:

Tweet with #AmericasBeard tag

DM John at @AmericasBeard

Or leave a comment on americasbeard.posterous.com


A Night with Magnificent Specimens

There are many treasures that we've uncovered here at B-a-B throughout our tenure... but few (if any) can compete with the night that Dave Mead organized recently for his exhibit of "Magnificent Specimens." We'll get to the hairy goodness shortly, but first, a bit of background...

In 2009, Photographer Dave Mead and sponsor James Moody traveled to Anchorage, Alaska to capture portraits of the countless ‘Magnificent Specimens’ who had converged to compete in the World Beard and Mustache Championships. This summer, a large collection of Mead's beard portraits — unpublished and being seen for the first time — has gone on display throughout the retail concourse of the Chelsea Market in NYC... The celebrated images will be on display May 9th through June 30th, and are available for sale!

There, consider yourself informed... now, let's talk about the launch party on May 8th...

I guess for the naked eye (and chin) going to Chelsea Market after hours is a bit of a drag... walking in and seeing one massive beardo after another could indeed be daunting and even breed some anxiety and definitely some envy... I, however, have friends in high places... namely, (THE) Jack Passion and Beard Team USA Captain Phil Olsen... and the (hairless) man of the hour himself, Dave Mead (note: the Q&As are to follow).

I made the rounds pretty quickly at the party, mingling with local beardos, out of state facial hair aficionados, red faced devils, hot chicks, open bar and swag tables... thanks for the stache/beard comb and mirror combo, just what I wanted!

What I uncovered, in addition to the aforementioned awesome beardos and the resulting hangover, are some of the friendliest beardos and the best artistic facial hair shots I've ever seen... and trust me I've seen a TON, as you can imagine... I culled my Top-3 below. All are copies straight from Dave, excluding the bust of Jack Passion to give other's a chance.

In addition, check out my own artistic foray, which I call the 'Ghost of Beardo Past' (note the beardo in the reflection starring down the stache in focus), plus more beardos I met at the exhibit.

I highly encourage you all to come see this hairy shrine to all things hirsute... it's nearly as magical as watching Jack field questions and greeting fans while floating around a room like a giant ball of hair in the wind... almost.

B-a-B's Top-3 Magnificent Specimens (by Dave Mead)

#1) B-a-B Title: Farm-a-Beard (reality: Jordan of Wheatsville)

#2) B-a-B Title: Taxidermy Beard (reality: Fox Jerem of Kenai, Alaska)

#3) B-a-B: Ghost Beard (reality: Burke of Olympia, Washington)

B-a-B Shots from Magnificent Specimens Launch Party

A New Year's Resolution Success Story

As some of you may recall, earlier in the holiday season Build-A-Beard staff stumbled upon an NYU student with an awesome beard (named Sven or something) and a tale of cursing off the razors since January 1 2009 as a new year's resolution. Since that chance meeting, and numerous twitter searches later, we are convinced that there are many like minded individuals out there looking for the push to make the one new year's resolution that works... with just a little more resolve than combing your hair, growing a beard is probably one of the easiest ways to accomplish that.

That said, let us tell you a story… as story about a man, in a town, with such resolve and dedication that should serve as a model for all those who want to walk in the shoes of giants, and grow awesome beards in 2010… that man is Matt Hensleem (aka @mhenslee), a rockin' pastor in Little Rock, Arkansas who lists Jesus, his wife as well as his beard alongside each other (love that btw). Matt made a promise to himself at the end of 2008, he vowed no longer shall his face be fuzzless and bald, no more will he deny his chin the right for privacy... he made a covenant with facial fuzz for 2009 and beyond.

We present this photographic study to you with mere hours left in 2009 to showcase what a year can bring... this could be you, in 365 days... Along with Matt, you too can join the 64 million like minded men who honor a timeless tradition of courage and test of not only character, but a test of will against a society who might not fully understand your DIY artistic expression.

Matt, if you turn even one man to the hairy cause we will deem this year a success, but while we have you... would it be too much to ask you for a blessing on the Build-A-Beard house, our friends and family, and the new decade that is upon us?

Either way, may you all have a Happy and a Healthy New Year!!! Tune in, turn on, grow out. 2010 IS the year of the beard.


BREAKING NEWS: Gary IS growing a beard

"2010 will be a really big beard year..." -- Gary Vaynerchuk

The beard, or lack there of, on the face of VaynerMedia co-founder Gary Vaynerchuk (aka @garyvee, the host of Wine Library TV and author of “Crush It!”) has been a topic of discussion in the Build-A-Beard halls since we crossed paths with VaynerMedia staff, and documented our hairy meeting with the post: VaynerMedia - Now Is The Time To (Grow Beards).

Since that time, we've been checking in with their head honcho regularly to get him on the bearded ball, and follow the lead of his staff by listening to our hairy call... then, out of the blue, through all of the cussing we managed to gather that Gary is planning on growing a "Playoff Beard" in 2010 (so that to focus on growing his new biz assets @vaynermedia and @corkd). The bearded calling came out during Loic Le Meur’s Fireside Chat with Gary at Le Web 2009 in Paris earlier this month.

Given Gary's recognizable clean shaven face, we were understandably weary; that is we were, until today... when Gary went public with his hairy ambitions:

Then once our staff pinged Gary with the #proveit request, we received -- along with the rest of his Twitter and Dailybooth communities -- the below mildly hairy proof...

Granted, this isn't the flowing beard we all expected out of the hyper passionate and cause dedicated style that Gary is known for, we are certain that by the end of 2010 (aka the year of the beard), we will all be put to shame with Gary's facial mane.

We don't know about you, but we'll be on the look out... listening, engaging, crushing it, Build-A-Beard style.

VaynerMedia - Now Is The Time To (Grow Beards)

It was brought to our attention by our staff writer and friend, Russ Marshalek, that the employees at VaynerMedia were rocking some p-r-e-t-t-y sweet facial hair persuasions at Gary & AJ Vaynerchuk's office. #crushit

And although the highly talented Gary has been saturating our airwaves and personal NYC island with ways to "cash in on your passion," he is not crushing it when it comes to his beard. In fact, he should prob stop concentrating so much on how to help others "build brand equity," and start concentrating on ways to grow a 'stache.... or even some scruff! #crushitFAIL


Lucky for him, B-A-B decided to interview the bearded fellas that make the day-to-day run smoothly for his brand consulting agency with a penchant for social media. Special thanks to Sam Taggart who submitted his fellow employees, but did not participate. Wonder why?
(Editor's note: a while after our post, Gary did grow a beard... and then... well... go see for yourself)
So without further ado...

Title: Web Developer (VaynerMedia)
Random Fact: I've had some kind of facial hair since my senior year of high school.
Worth Noting: When I do shave, I use a 1940s Gillette Aristocrat Razor.
B-A-B Thoughts: We like the way you shave, Caleb. No, seriously - we're highly impressed with the choice in your instrument. *raises martini glass to you or odd cup of yellow substance as in the picture below.

Name: Marcus Krzastek
Project Manager (VaynerMedia)
Rockin' It For A Cause: Protest of Turkish non-recognition of the Armenian genocide.
B-A-B Thoughts: We're not sure what lil' project is happening on your face, specifically below your lip, but you're definitely not managing it. Also, the sweater... dude... come on it's 2009.

Name: Matt Sitomer
Chief of Staff (VaynerMedia)
View Askewniverse Fetish: First grew the beard so I could be Silent Bob for Halloween in 2004, and everyone told me to keep it.
B-A-B Comment: Respect points on the Kevin Smith love, but you need to get that beard thicker and grow it over your upper lip. Also, stop posing like it's MySpace.

Title: CTO (Cork'd)
Why You Want To Sleep With Him: I dream in German
B-A-B Comment: Winner!!! We heart your pirate look - bonus points for the perfectly tweaked ends - although we had to look past your almost-too-much-asymmetrical-haircut, odd bathroom background, and shameless use of iPhone.